The Poetry's Dead Podcast

Allen Ginsberg, Wedding Poetry and Sharing Friends With Your Ex

Allen Ginsberg

It took 6 months for us to mention the movie 'Dead Poet's Society' so give us a break!

On the show this week, we have love, former loves, and all that life offers you in-between so settle in for 40 minutes of poetry and giggles.

Leon had travelled out to Scotland for a wedding between two poets who had set each other a task of writing each other a poem during the getting-to-know you stage of their relationship. We share those poems on the show. Beautiful stuff.

Ryan, from his posing position in Merrion Square, with a notepad in hand wrote a poem that he shares on the show that will put a smile on your face for sure.

We mentioned Allen Ginsberg on the show last week, and the lads didn't know too much about him. We fix that with a poem and a short backstory of that 'Beat Generation' of American poets

Menna Siwan treats us with a poem that sends thanks to someone who crawled back from the edge with a piece called 'For You'.

Our Agony Aunt this week is all about who keeps the friends after a break-up. Spoiler: You might need a few new friends

We have the read-along now live and kicking so if you'd like to join us, sign up to our Patreon. We have a new book every month so get involved you absolute ride.

Poems from the show:

Dave and Sophie McIntyre - Wedding Poems
Instagram: @sm_gruber and @davidrobertmcintyre 

Ryan Duggins - My Favourite Day
Instagram - @ryanduggins

Allen Ginsberg - When The Light Appears

Menna Siwan - For You 
Instagram - @mennasiwan

Agony Aunt - The Split

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Original music by Matthew Keating
Artwork by Paddy Downey
Introduction and co-produced by Lisa Downey

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