The Poetry's Dead Podcast

Paul Muldoon, Movember and Being Addicted To Cheese

Ryan Duggins and Leon Dunne

If you're here for the cheese addict, stay 'til the end ;)

And if you do, your heart and soul will be filled with a myriad of hopeful poems to bring you through the change in weather as you sniffle your way through the start of winter. 

We shine a light on men's mental health on the show this week, starting with the Movember campaign that poet Daragh Fleming is an ambassador for. Every day this month he's been sharing poems to raise awareness on men's mental health, and he shares one of his favourites on the podcast.

Playright David Gilna gives us one of his belters about youthful friendship and bonds with his poem 'The Boys From The Jacko'. Yup Swords IYKYK.

Barry Currivan, a Dublin poetry scene favourite, gives us a poem from his upcoming collection 'If Not If, What' all about staying young at heart.

We share a piece from Belfast poet Paul Muldoon after our trusted source Suzanne Meehan recommended we have a read of his work before Ryan shares his poem about the unfortunate side effect of falling in love through his piece 'He Let Himself Go'.

Our agony aunt this week comes from someone who is suffering from a lack of restraint when it comes to Gouda. Not really a problem, just a supported hobby in our eyes

Poems from the show:

Stephen Downey - Man Of The House
Instagram - @stephendowney

David Gilna - The Boys From The Jacko

Barry Currivan - We Make Things Old
Instagram - @barry_currivan

Paul Muldoon - The Loaf

Ryan Duggins - He Let Himself Go
Instagram - @ryanduggins

Agony Aunt - The Dairy Dilemna

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Original music by Matthew Keating
Artwork by Paddy Downey
Introduction and co-produced by Lisa Downey

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