The Poetry's Dead Podcast

Paula Meehan, Brendan Behan And Wanting To Work From Home

Ryan Duggins and Leon Dunne

We're feeling the spring in our step lads as the days are getting a little longer, and the poems just keep bleedin' coming!

After Brendan Behan's book Confessions Of An Irish Rebel kept Ryan company on a solo trip to Belfast this week, we share a few stories and a tear-jerker poem from a man that we'd all love to share a pint with.

We asked the Dublin Central Library guys if they have any books from Paula Meehan, and they handed us Pillow Talk and we found a beauty all about the changing perspectives we have when we look at our elders.

We have a poem from Beibhinn Thorsch who just released her debut collection 'Libran Liturgy', then we delve into the gay clubs of Dublin where a woman pines and yearns to be able to love her gay best friend, but horses for courses don't allow. A story that goes back to the start of time.

Our Agony Aunt is back and is helping a member of the corporate workforce who would love a few days working from home.

Enjoy, send it to an EX and keep it popping

Poems from the show

Brendan Behan - The Laughing Boy

Paula Meehan - My Father Perceived As A Vision Of Saint Francis

Beibhinn Thorsch - Love With Conjunctions

Instagram - @beibhinnthorsch

Tess McKevitt - I Want A Lavender Marriage

Agony Aunt - Home Office Plea

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Original music by Matthew Keating
Artwork by Paddy Downey
Introduction and co-produced by Lisa Downey

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